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Visitors 63
84 photos

SLIDESHOW(favorites) These are some of my favorite photos. I am extremely passionate about Photoshop and other similar programs. As I tell many of you, huge learning curve but it has been enjoyable learning to say the least. All of these have been tweaked one way or another. In time, I will be making many other categories and adding a lot of photographs. Thanks :)
Chaos.........Tpr TryonTprs Durning, Tryon and BartuccaTpr Tryon awaiting Med flight to clear...Newport, RI - 2015What a building... NYCStreet corner in NY City....Gavin... Always smiling.. :)The 'Magic' of ChristmasBig Troy's first Christmas..Avery taking in the Christmas magic...Sharing a laugh.....Gavin sleeping...'Come on baby, guarantee I'll get you before you see me'Joe Kirkwood and Marilyn Monroe.  My Dad took this photo and he prides himself in taking Marilyn out on a few dates.....The greatest man I have ever known. This is my Dad in his younger years....Family BondsFlower'Jacoby Ellsbury Saaafffeee'What seats baby :)